Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 10: July 1st Last Week in MTC:)

Family this is it!!!! I leave on monday and I am so pumped!!! It feels like I have had no life before the MTC haha. It feels like I have been here so long and I can't believe that I am actually leaving. I leave on monday morning out of Salt lake at 830. I then arrive in portland at 930. Between 930 and 220 I am in Portland. During this time I will call you guys and I am really looking forward to this time!!! You can tell me what phone number would work the all of us. Just as long as I know before Saturady morning. The mail is closed saturday afternoon so I wouldn't get it. I am extremly excited to start my mission out in the field!!!

This week has been basically preparing for me going to Japan. During class we talked about cultural things and a lot of fun stories. The stories that my teachers told me got me really excited for Japan. All of them said that the first part of your mission is the most difficult. I was already expecting this before I came here though. But through all of the stories that they have shared I knnow I will be protected by the Lord!! One my teachers Bishoff Sensei told us this really powerful story about when he was on his mission. One time when they riding there bikes they saw a man beating on a women. They wanted to help because no one seemed like they were going to stop him. When they walked over there they realized that had been a prisoner perviously. With the little Japanese that he knew he told the man yamete kudasai. This meant to please stop!!! The man looked straight on Bishoof Sensei's tag and saw the name Jesus Christ on it. LAter on the story the man walked away and left the women alone. This was because God protected him at this time!!! This stroy really hit me because I know that I will protected from anything that Satan is going to throw at me. I am still a little nervous to go outside of the Country but I know it is what God wants me to do. I ask everyone this monday to have prayer in there heart for me. I know that during this time I will become comforted and will be protected.,

I am really happy that I leaving the MTC. AT the same time I am sad to say goodbye to all of my friends and people that I have made here. When I said goodbye to me sensei's it was a lot harder than I thought it was. I then realized that I will see them again after the mission and we will be eternal friends forever. The experiences that I have had here at the MTC I feel ready to go preach the gospel to the Japanese people. I know that is going to be one of the hardest thing that I have ever done. But through God's power and help I can be able to anything I want. I also learned a really valauble lesson this week. Everyone knows that Japan is a really hard misson to baptize. I think the number are that 90% are Buddhists. I learned this week that it doesn't matter if the mission has its histrory of not having a lot baptisms. If I have a postive attitude and think in my mind that I will baptize people will happen. If I stay committed and look to God for everthing I will be able to accomplish anythng that I put my mind to. This is a really excited for me!!! Many of the General Authorites also have said that Japan is going to be one of the strongest countries in the world for our church. That it is going to have its slow begginging but eveuntally it will become a strong country of memebers. This is really excited more me because I get to help with this cause. I can't for me to look in the future and see how styrong the country of Japan is. I have already fallen in love with people. This is with only the Japaense Elders!!!! I never met people that are so nice and would do anything for you. I am so grateful that I get to go to Japan and serve them.

I hope everyone at home is doing great!!! Everyone have a great fourth of July!!! I think tomorrow the missionaries get to watch the stadium of FIRE!!!!! I am so pumped I will have perfect view of the fireworks!! This is also perfect time for me. This is my last celebration of being in America. I love this counrty and everything that it stands for. This morning when I looked out the window I saw all the hot air baloons in the air. This reminded me when Dad and I went always go to this. I remember always being so mad becuase I had to wake up so early to save a spot in the parade. Now these memories have stuck with me forever. This time of the year is best!!! I always look forward to watch the cheap fireworks that we buy at WALMART haha. Even if the fireworks are not that good I always love making memories with my family.

Well Family I am so excited to go to Japan and start my mission in the field!!! I want you all to know that I think of you everday and I want others to have what I have!!! This brings me joy whenver I think of my family and the gospel. I am excited to hear from you at Monday and get to hear all of things going on in your life. I am also going to try to prosolte in the airport so I will let you know how that goes!!! I love you all and thank for everything that you have done for me!!!!!!
Watashi wa Kazoku o totemo ai shite imasu.
I love my family very much
Talk to you on Monday!!!!!!

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